Acknowledgements and Notes


This blog is based mainly on the work of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Colin Campbell, and others promoting nutrition from plant based, whole, unprocessed food, oil free, without added sugar, and with minimal salt.

For more, please see the books at the foot of this blog and the "Essy's Favorites and Videos" page as well as in other posts below. (Note: this is a PAGE and NOT a POST!)

Special thanks to Carol D'Anca who shares her deep nutritional knowledge and extraordinary culinary expertise to inspire me and so many others to see our daily meals as continuing sources of good health and joy.

And many thanks as well to Ariane Glazer whose knowledge of raw vegan foods is encyclopedic and exceeded only by her generosity of sharing information and good food! While some of her recipes use oil, they are valuable and easy to modify when needed.

This Blog is NOT intended to replace medical advice!
This blog is intended to give general information and food preparation ideas. For medical advice please consult your qualified health care practitioner.

Note on Navigating this Blog More Efficiently:

When using the links on these posts use the back arrows (<) to get back to your original spot rather than closing the window. That will save you a lot of time! If any of the links don't work please let me know using the "Keep in Touch" form.

Note on referenced books. You can find books by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Colin Campbell and Carol D'Anca at

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Meeting Dr. Colin Campbell

It was an honor to meet Dr. Colin Campbell at Northwestern University Medical School where he lectured to physicians, medical students and lay people in 2010, not long after I had completed the Cornell University Plant Based Nutrition course he directs.

If you would like your own copy of Dr. Campbell's book The China Study, or his newer book Whole about the benefits of whole, unprocessed foods, you can find them at  

If you would like to learn more about  Dr. Campbell's online certification course on Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University, please click here.